BAM! Blog

One Huge Overlooked Feature with Manufacturer's Sales   Enablement Portals

Written by Tom Paul | Sep 15, 2022 2:49:30 AM

Make it easy for distributors to access product and sales information.


Right now, materials are not easy for distributors to access

Is your distributor portal only accessible from one place - say, on the web?

Unfortunately, a single place to access information simply doesn't acknowledge all the different places distributors need to look up information:

  • At a job site
  • On the road
  • Far away from a wifi connection 

Make it easy to find materials

The portals right now aren't well laid out. 

And they don't have a good search function, so they just can't access materials quickly enough. 

This is one of the fastest ways to turn a well-meaning distributor into a demoralized order taker. 

(If you want to see even more features...)

Making buying less frustrating for customers - and selling easier for your distributors

Buyers HATE it when distributors can't answer their questions quickly. 

And distributors don't particularly like it when they are forced to fumble around for information and have to tell the customer "I'll have to find that answer and get back to you..."

Distributors need information in the moment, with the ability to share it effortlessly with customers, and manufacturers need analytics on the back end so they know what's working and what isn't. 

See why leading manufacturers choose BAM!